

Photos Needed

Posted by Matthew White on May 13 2015 at 08:20AM PDT in 2014-2015

Good Afternoon Shark Families,
The season is winding down and we are getting ready for our awards banquet near the end of the month. I am putting together the annual slideshow and would love to include some of the great photos that you and your swimmers have taken this season. The easiest way to get them to me would be by email (please send to but if you have them on a disk, I can take them that way as well. I need them by Tuesday, May 19th. Also don’t forget to RSVP Mrs. Delgado for the banquet.

Also, if you have a senior, please send me a few pictures of them growing up (swim pictures are always fun) so we can add those to our special senior recognition segment.

Let me know if you have any questions,


Sara Young


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